Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Google Earth

Friday, June 24, 2005

Smart Car

BiDil: US approves first 'ethnic drug'

BBC News
US drugs regulators have approved a heart failure drug specifically for treating black patients.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

The Greatest American

He sees the difference in people.

...and to his eyes presented the greatest achievement in the 20th century - From Atlantic to Pacific, world domination after WWII.

Friday, June 17, 2005

"Cool Hand Luke"

Watched Cool Hand Luke tonight. Great great movie, absolute masterpiece. You have to sit down, relax, maybe have a drink in your hand, and enjoy it. The movie was about southern state road chain gang, and among which a war veteran called Luke (played by the legendary Paul Newman) who had hard time to fit in the society or anything. The spirit as shown in the movie was truely memorable. "Small town, not much to do in the evening" said Luke, after he cut off the parking meter heads.

Besides, I just found out that the following quote
"What we've got here is... failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it... well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you men."
was from this movie, uttered by the captain, and mocked by Luke, while smiling. It was quoted at the beginning of Guns 'n Roses' famous song "Civil War".

(picture linked from

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

No Title

Monday, June 13, 2005

Losing My Religion

"Consider this, consider this
The hint of the century
Consider this
The slip that brought me
To my knees failed
What if all these fantasies
Come flailing around
Now I've said too much"


Sunday, June 12, 2005

Next Blog ?

I don't like the function on the top right navigation bar. Why? here is the result from my twenty consective clicks this fine sunday morning:
Commercial: 12 (way too much!)
Non-English: 5 (nothing against them I just don't understand)
Porn: 1 (not that I'm offended)
Blog without the navigation bar: 1 (so the click momentum was broken)
Normal: 1 (5%?)
How do I hide this bar?

Boring Summer Days

Nothing exciting. My printer died on me a couple days ago. I suspect it might have run out of cartrige, but wasn't gonna fork out $100 to test it. So, I went online and ordered this beast. Afterwards I closely examed the spec - the thing is about 72lb in weight! I hope on delivery the UPS guy leave it at the first level where my office is...

BTW, got a DMB CD "Everyday" for 1 cent from Amazon. I bought quite a bit CDs from Amazon and this was the cheapest one :)
(image source:

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

New Tires on the WJ

After 3 years and 60,000+ miles, it was time for a new set of tires. The stock tires I had were P225/75R16, which I felt a little bit thinner than I really wanted. Stepping up in the width would improve the traction, at least IMHO. Googled more than half hour but couldn't find any concrete real example, I decided to do a little bit research myself. It turned out, base on this website, a 245/70R16 was a close match to the 225 stock (see below). Further information provided by told me that all 16" wheels were 7.0" in rim width, which fits perfectly for the 245. Aha, looks like we've got a champion.

(table source:
Armed with all that information, I drove the car to a local Costco yesterday who was running a $60 off promotion. I explained to the guy at the desk about the tires I wanted (Michelin Cross Terrain P245/70R16 106S ORWL) and left him the key. 45 minutes later I came back only found they had not put the tires on yet, because I had 225 and they didn't want to deviate a bit, unless the computer OK-ed such (which for some reason didn't list 245 as an option). When I insisted, the guy dived into all his reference books and finally, in a little Michelin booklet he found the reference about putting 245 on a 16" wheel Jeep. Half hour later I was a happy customer with my spanking new Michelin 245 tires. The truck now rides smoother, thanks to the slightly wider tires.

BTW, the green valve cap is an indicator for nitrogen inflated.

An Apple with Intel Core?

Strangely tyang hasn't mentioned this. Apple is planning to ditch IBM and embrace Intel. That made me feel like --- NOT to get an Apple for my next computer purchase. I don't want to see on my desk an Apple with a logo Intel Inside.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Sunday's notes

[Listening to: The Unnamed Feeling - Metallica - St. Anger [Bonus DVD] Disc 1 (07:09)]

This entry was created with w.bloggar and Windows Media Blogging plugin.

Friday, June 03, 2005


Was my birthday. Worked from 7:30 am yesterday to 1:30 am today. Bought 3 DVDs and 2 CDs.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The Future of Mankind

is likely doomed. mediocris like us will happily set up rules and regulations to have every single genius suffocated.

Maybe I should stop reading history.